Hey there, I'm Erica
Our meeting is not by chance. You're here because you're being called to make changes, and I'm here to show you how.
Let me share my story . . .
My pain led me to discover my greatest gifts
Learning how to navigate the changes that were necessary to get me from suffering to freedom was the beginning of the beautiful journey that has led me to you. Most of us hit a certain point in life when we know it’s time for a change. We suddenly have an ah-ha moment and wake up to realize, “there has got to be a better way”. Well, that’s exactly where I found myself a few years ago. I felt stuck and knew I had to do something different. That was the beginning of the incredibly challenging yet beautiful journey that has led me to you.
This is my story…
The year is 2018. I had just moved to Northern Virginia from Connecticut a couple years prior with the intention of seeking out new opportunities and experiencing a new area. At the time I was an Account Manager working in the tech staffing and sales world. I felt like my career was really starting to take off, I was meeting all kinds of new people, I had adopted a puppy with my partner, I purchased a brand new car for myself, I was traveling internationally, and to top it all off, I decided to audition to become a cheerleader for the local NFL team – and I made it!
All seems great, right? Well…
What most didn’t see was that I was in an unhealthy relationship, I had been fired from two jobs back to back - that same year that I made the cheer team. I was struggling with my weight and body image, so I was working out obsessively and trying all kinds of diets and cleanses to try to shrink myself to be as small as possible. I was going out with friends and drinking most weekends, all while suffering from severe anxiety, depression, and undiagnosed ADHD.
I felt like I was failing miserably at balancing my full-time career, NFL cheerleading, my relationship, my social life, my family, and most of all, my self-care.
I had reached a point where I could no longer recognize myself in the mirror. I was disconnected from my body and was never really fully present. I didn’t know who I was, what I wanted, or what my purpose was in life.
I had reached my breaking point and that's when my healing journey truly began . . .
I decided I was going to do whatever it took to transform my life. Through trial and error, self-study, and going back to school for holistic health, I was able to overcome my own struggles - and now I am happier, healthier, and more at peace than ever before.
A holistic lifestyle was the key to my
Transformation required me to change . . .
My mindset and daily habits, how I think of and speak to myself, the way I view my life circumstances, the advice I seek and follow, the relationships I keep, the media and information I consume, and the way I fuel and nourish my mind and body.
and keep . . .
Dreaming big, spending time in nature, prioritizing healthy and inspiring relationships, dancing as often as possible, hiking with my dog, practicing gratitude, challenging myself, learning new things, showing up authentically, and committing to my own personal journey through life.
I felt so good I changed everything, . . .
I stepped out of my career in the business world to start helping others find freedom and joy in their own lives as well. The best decision I have ever made was to chase my passions and fulfill my life's purpose as a guide and healer. Now I am proud to serve as a holistic healer, life and relationship coach, reiki master, spiritual guide, and yoga instructor.
My Education
Certified Holistic Health Coach
Institute for Integrative Nutrition​
Reiki Master (Reiki I, II, and III)
Berkeley Springs, WV
200-hour Yoga Teacher Certification
Completed through CorePower Yoga​
Certified Personal Trainer
National Academy of Sports Medicine
Mind-Body Fitness Certification
Academy of Holistic Fitness
Bachelor's Degree
International Business Management University of Connecticut